Salvation Prayer

If you want to receive THE LORD say:

Almighty GOD, I confess that CHRIST JESUS is the Son of the LIVING GOD. I confess that I am a sinner. It was because of my sins that you sent your Son JESUS to come and die for me. Today I turn away from every known sin in my life and accept JESUS as my LORD and SAVIOUR. Please forgive my sins and wash me by the Blood of JESUS. Establish Your Word and righteousness in my life. Fill me with your HOLY SPIRIT and help me to live in holiness and prepare me for your coming.

Now that you have received THE LORD, what next?  Now that you have prayed the salvation prayer and received The LORD it is important that you are baptised by immersion and begin to fellowship with those who are of the same mind.

Please contact us at the Altar closest to you. We would be delighted to help you to fulfil these requirements and to grow in your new relationship with JESUS CHRIST.