
Right from the beginning at creation, THE LORD called men to a higher office in the family. That higher calling is what Adam was accorded in the family.  The standard of GOD for the Christian married man has not changed.

The higher calling accorded Adam means the man was called to a higher standard of conduct and character.

The man was given a priority and required to show leadership in the family. This means a great responsibility and accountability to GOD ALMIGHTY. The Bible is full of examples of holy men who played the significant role of drawing their family close to GOD. Thereby saving them from the judgement of GOD.

Godly married men like Noah, Abraham, Lot are examples of the role a man can play in his family by taking full responsibility and full charge and the duty of drawing the family closer and closer to the LORD GOD. 

GOD expects any married man to become a man after His own heart. GOD is seeking the Christian married men to be real (godly) husbands and fathers in order to save this generation.

Messianic Ministries Men’s Ministry focuses on how men can take their GOD-ordained duty in their family (as a husband, father, or servant) with a purpose to save themselves and their families for eternity.

To be part of this exciting and rewarding journey please contact 0422 737 368.